Strategic Land
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Strategic Land

The Langcroft Group are committed to creating value driven outcomes for landowners and local communities.

We do this by working closely with landowners, local councils, local communities and charities by bringing  forward a sensitive and well-considered extension to an existing town or village. We work together to maximise the value of the land and successfully plan for and create beautiful homes and environments.

By securing land in this way we are able to plan schemes to meet the needs of a local community and create highly sustainable developments in the most suitable locations.

To support this, we have strategic land specialists in place to identify opportunities and deliver planning strategies for sites which do not yet have permission or allocations in a local plan, but do have the potential for successful development. 

Our Step by Step Process

Why work with Langcroft?

Langcroft are committed to delivery by working collaboratively with landowners and with complete transparency.

When implementing our planning, promotion and development strategies we will guide you through each stage of the process, as illustrated above. As a landowner, you can be involved as much or as little as you wish but we will always regularly update you and your professional team. We ensure landowners have access to their key point of contact at The Lancroft Group but also with access to our land, planning and development teams.


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